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Courses Cùrsaichean

We have tried to list every Gaelic course within Scotland. Increasingly we are adding international courses too. If you are running a course and it is not listed, please let us know at mairi@learngaelic.scot. Tha sinn air feuchainn ri fiosrachadh a thionail mu gach cùrsa Ghàidhlig ann an Alba. Bidh cùrsaichean eadar-nàiseanta air an clàradh cuideachd. Ma tha beàrn againne, cuir fios gu mairi@learngaelic.scot.

Thoir an àire gur e seann "Lorg Cursa" a tha seo. Tha sinn ag aithneachadh nach robh am fear ùr ag obair cho math ris am fear seo agus tha sinn trang ag obair air fear ùr. Please note that this is the old course finder. We know that the new design was not as effective as this one and we are working hard to bring you a new one.

Thoir an aire nach eil uallach air LearnGaelic airson nan cùrsaichean seo. Please note that LearnGaelic are not responsible for these courses.

Spot any mistakes? Disappointed to find out there's no suitable courses near you? Let us know.